Posted July 18, 2023
As of July 18, 2023, the world of film and entertainment is facing an unprecedented challenge. Amid a strike by the Writer's Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), all productions have ground to a halt. But even as we navigate through these choppy waters, there's a glimmer of a digital revolution on the horizon that's set to redefine the landscape of acting: the advent of 3D scanning.
For many in the industry, especially those from the creative community, there is a pervasive fear of being replaced by AI and 3D scans. However, it is crucial to reframe this fear into an understanding that these advancements are not replacing us, but rather redefining the tools and methods with which we create art.
The Silver Lining of the Digital Revolution
3D scanning brings to the table several benefits that are difficult to ignore. Primarily, it offers longevity of career, effectively immortalizing an actor's performance beyond the boundaries of age, physical limitations, or even life itself. Imagine the power of being able to continue influencing the art of cinema long after the curtains have closed on an actor's physical career.
Simultaneously, it holds the key to enhanced safety on set. By executing dangerous stunts or scenes using a digital double, we can reduce the risk of harm to the actor. The age-old trade-off between creating visually stunning action sequences and the safety of our artists can finally be resolved.
3D scans also bring an element of efficiency to the table. The gruelling hours on set can be significantly reduced, allowing artists more personal time, reducing stress, and enabling them to deliver better performances when they are truly needed.
A Brave New World of Creative Freedom
Beyond the realm of practicality, the creative possibilities unlocked by 3D scanning technology are astounding. Actors are no longer bound by their physical limitations and can portray characters of different ages, races, or even non-human characters. This digital revolution allows for an unprecedented diversity in casting and storytelling.
Moving Forward: A Call to Unions
In these transformative times, strong representation is essential. The SAG and the WGA need to negotiate the integration of 3D scanning into the industry in a way that benefits all parties involved. Key areas include ensuring fair compensation models, establishing guidelines around control and consent, and advocating for resources to help artists adapt to these new technologies.
Conclusion: Embrace the Future, Don't Fear It
Yes, the world of film and entertainment is at a crossroads, with AI and 3D scans being at the heart of this transition. But it's important to remember that these technologies are tools to enhance and expand our craft, not replace it.
In the face of fear, it is crucial that we see this as an opportunity, a new stage upon which we can perform. We must not let fear dictate our progress but instead embrace the change and see the vast potential it holds for us.
With the ongoing strike, it's clear that there are conversations to be had and negotiations to be made. However, through dialogue and understanding, we can pave the way towards an industry that embraces technology, protects its artists, and continues to tell captivating stories. In this brave new world of acting, the stage is set for those ready to adapt and thrive in the digital revolution.